NOTE: For new integrations, use the new version of the API.

API - PayByLink & PINPAY

API integration by POST:


* replace [GATEWAY_KEY] with the GatewayKey sent by Ifthenpay.

Request json format (Body)


  "id": "1234",

  "amount": "21.50",

  "description": "Order 1234",

  "lang": "en",

  "expiredate": "",

  "accounts": "MBWAY|XXX-000000;11686|000;MB|BEM-700700;...",

  "btnCloseUrl": "",

  "btnCloseLabel": "Text Button",

  "success_url": "",
  "error_url": "",



id: (mandatory) Maximum 15 numeric characters that identify your order/invoice. If you gateway for PayByLink use Offline Multibanco Reference method you can only use 4 numeric characters

amount: (mandatory ) Decimal separator "." (ex: "21.50")

description: (optional) Short description of payment. Maximum 200 characters.

lang: (optional) Language presented to the customer at checkout (pt, en, es, fr). Default "pt". 

expiredate: (optional) Expiry date of url in YYYYMMDD format (20211203) 

accounts: (optional) Available methods for payment. (ex: ENTITY|SUBENTITY;MBWAY|MBWAY-KEY;PAYSHOP|PAYSHOP-KEY;CCARD|CCARD-KEY;MB|MB-KEY)

success_url: (optional) Redirect URL in case of successful payment.
error_url: (optional) Redirect URL in case of an error processing the payment.
cancel_url: (optional) Redirect URL if the user cancels payment processing.

The EndPoint result is the url for gateway payment:


API integration by GET:

URL EndPoint:[GATEWAY_KEY]&id=[ORDER_ID]&amount=[AMOUNT]&description=[DESCRIPTION]&lang=[LANGUAGE]&expiredate=[EXPIRE_DATE]&accounts=[ACCOUNTS]

gatewaykey: (mandatory ) Gateway Key sent by Ifthenpay.

id: (mandatory) Maximum 15 numeric characters that identify your order/invoice.  If you gateway for PayByLink use Offline Multibanco Reference method you can only use 4 numeric characters 

amount: (mandatory ) Decimal separator "." (ex: "21.50")

description: (optional) Short description of payment. Maximum 200 characters.

lang: (optional) Language presented to the customer at checkout (pt, en, es, fr). Default "pt". 

expiredate: (optional) Expiry date of url in YYYYMMDD format (20211203) 

accounts: (optional) Available methods for payment. (ex: ENTITY|SUBENTITY;MBWAY|MBWAY-KEY;PAYSHOP|PAYSHOP-KEY;CCARD|CCARD-KEY)

The EndPoint result is the url for gateway payment:


CALLBACK (Webhook) :

You can define with ifthenpay a callback url endpoint and a antiphishing key. Evertime a payment is done, ifthenpay call that url and you can read the payment information on it:

Callback example :[ANTI_PHISHING_KEY]&id=[ID]&amount=[AMOUNT]&payment_datetime=[PAYMENT_DATETIME]&payment_method=[PAYMENT_METHOD]

Callback invoked example: 10:55:21&payment_method=CCARD


IFTHENPAY guarantees free technical assistance to all customers and the following channels can be used:

- Through the email

- By telephone: 808 222 777 | +351 227 660 871

- By opening a ticket in helpdesk